Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Cleaning

It's Not as Hard as You Think

I know... Christmas cleaning doesn't sound very festive, now does it?

Think of it this way: If the house is clean - I mean really clean - it will eliminate more stress than it causes you to get it done in the first place!

And.... once it is done, instead of spending hours each week keeping it up, it will take a few minutes each day. This leaves a lot of time for enjoying the season, and removes one more item from the 'to-do' list for your perfect holiday!!

To keep things manageable, make a separate Christmas cleaning list for each room of the house. Keep the chores on this list simple. Next to each item, insert the name of a family member who will be responsible for that chore.

Because Christmas cleaning work has to fit into the existing schedule, plug only one room per day into your Christmas calendar. If you find that your family is more cooperative than most, it might be possible to do more than one room per day. However, on the calendar, keep your Christmas cleaning chores to only one room a day - even if it only looks like less work that way.

Make sure that each family member understands that these chores are to be accomplished on the day in question, and hold them accountable for doing so!!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Recommended web page

I recently discovered an interesting website and wanted to share it with you

A very good idea

You can check it at

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Clean Like a maid!

Not from me but from

Let's talk about cleaning. Cleaning is a drag. I hear there are people out there that actually like to clean, but I am not one of them, even though I used to work as a housecleaner. The good thing about having that job is, I learned to clean very quickly and efficiently. Now, I pass that knowledge along to you, Curbly readers! Read more

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Five Tips for Spring Cleaning with Kids


Spring cleaning is on the horizon, and you could use some help. How do you get the kids to pitch in when it's time to spring-clean the house?

Try these five tips to involve children with housecleaning chores:

  • Think teamwork. It's downright lonely to be sentenced to clean a bathroom on your own, but paired with a parent, even a 5-year-old can work safely and happily. While Dad wields the bowl cleaner and the tile brush, his helper can scrub the sink, polish the fixtures, empty the trash and trundle towels and rugs to the laundry room.

    Working as a team involves kids in the cleaning process, helps them learn cleaning skills, and most important, models both the attitude and the job standard you're trying to teach.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Releasing clutter lets you dream big

By Marla Cilley for the Deseret Morning News

...Clutter has a way of sucking the life right out of us. When it consumes our homes, it consumes our brains. We spend our waking moments trying deal with it: piling it up, stuffing it away in closets and putting it in plastic tubs! Why in the world are we trying to organize our clutter? All we can really do is get rid of it — purge it from our lives so we can live without having to give up on our dreams. These are dreams we have never had.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winter Preparedness Checklist


When wintry weather blows, will your family be prepared?
Take time now to review your family's emergency preparedness with our Winter Preparedness Checklist. It'll help you prepare your home and automobile for cold-weather hazards.
Out and About:
Will your home welcome winter visitors safely? Be prepared for snow, ice or rain on walks and driveways with:
Snow shovel
De-icing compound
Waterproof floor mats

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